Maia Noniashvili
Maia Noniashvili holds a Master’s degree of Business Administration and a Doctor’s degree of Business Administration. She has been the Associate Professor of Business and Technology University since 2016, and the Chancellor of the same University since 2018. In different years she worked as the Head of Quality Management Service (BTU), as the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Graduates, as a Curriculum Expert, as an Invited Teacher, and as an Assistant Dean of the School of Business. In 2004-2008 she was the manager of the insurance company “Europace”.
The main areas of Maia Noniashvili’s research are: EdTech, Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Her research papers address the issues of economics and digitalization of education and are published in both, local and international scientific publications. She has participated in international scientific forums both, in Georgia and abroad – in the United States, Israel, Ukraine, the Netherlands and other countries, as a speaker and project participant. Currently she is participant of the program funded by the Portuguese National Agency and the European Commission – International Credit Mobility project KA107 | 2019-1-PT01-KA107-060208 .
Since 2017 to present, Maia Noniashvili has been teaching Operations Management and Operations Management Basics courses at Business and Technology University. In 2011-2016 she was delivering lectures on basics of business, principles of economics, operations management (in Georgian and English), led a bachelor seminar. Dozens of bachelor’s and master’s theses has been prepared under her supervision since 2011.
In addition, Maia Noniashvili is a member of the international organization EUMMAS. In addition to Georgian as native language, she speaks English, Russian and Greek.