Tamar Kbiladze
Doctor of Business Administration, Tamar Kbiladze is a Professor of Business and Technology University. Has experience in working in high positions in public and financial sectors. She has participated in international conferences and has published scientific works in both Georgian and foreign scientific journals. In 2019-2021, she was a visiting professor at the University of Koblenz (Germany). She is a participant of many training courses in Georgia and abroad. She is a reviewer of journal “Economics” of Vilnius State University, holder of a European Commission grant (2 times). At the conference “Economy, Society and Management” held in Paris in 2015, which was organized by the Research Center for International Economic Development, her report “Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Optimal Tax Burden in Georgia” won the “Best Report of the Session” nomination. Has a patent on the monograph: theoretical-methodological and empirical aspects of the formation of a new tax paradigm. She is a member of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic from 2016 to present, as well as a member of the Editorial Committee of the International Economic Development Research Center (IEDRC).
Tamar speaks English, German and Russian languages.