David Gondauri
Professor at Business and Technology University, David Gondauri holds a doctor’s degree in Business Administration, is a BTU Science Award (2021). Financial Advisor at JSC Georgian Railway. Director of EUMMAS Eurasia Logistics Research Center.
He defended his doctoral dissertation at the Business and Technology University on the topic “Development of the Railway Silk Road to Promote the Growth of the Georgian Economy” in 2020, Has been engaged in academic and research activities since 2009. Delivers the following lecture courses at BTU: Financial Management and Credit Rating, Assessment and Analysis.
He has been working at JSC Georgian Railway in various analytical positions since 2007. In 2018-2019 he worked as an advisor in the Ministry of Finance.
David Gondauri is winner of large grants for vocational education development (PICG) grant competition of Millennium Challenge fund – Georgia (MCA-Georgia) within the framework of Professional Education for Economic Development (ISWD), financial manager of USD 2.3 Million valued project – Development of a Dual Vocational Training Method and Improving the Railway Sector and the Railway Labor Market”. In addition, it is the winner of the CASE-Transcaucasian Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, a student competition for postgraduate students. Member of the Editorial Board of European Marketing and Management (EUMMAS) and the Georgian Academy of Criminology.
Up to 20 master’s theses are defended under his supervision. Is the scientific supervisor of two doctoral students.
Areas of research by David Gondauri are: finance; financial management; investments; rail transport; Silk Road Transit Corridor; Digital Economy.
David Gondur’s scientific papers have been published in international and local scientific journals, including international impact journals. Is the author of monographs.
Has command of Georgian (native), English and Russian languages.