Renewable Energy Lab
- Categories Labs
- Date September 3, 2021
Business and Technology University has a Renewable Energy Laboratory.
RES Lab discusses the challenges facing companies operating in the Georgian energy sector, conducts relevant research and conducts consultations. A discussion panel has been set up within the lab, bringing together private and public institutions. The results of the research, recommendations and ways of its implementation in Georgia are constantly discussed in the format of panel meetings.
The laboratory is a kind of bridge between scientific activities, the private sector, government agencies and non-governmental organizations to discuss topical issues that are crucial in today’s Georgia or the region. As a result of the activities of the laboratory, a more tangible development plan will be formed and we will have better achievements. Ultimately, all this has a positive impact on the development of the energy sector in both the country and the region.
Activities carried out within the framework of RES LAB:
BTU is implementing Jean Monnet’s 3 – year module funded by the European Union, which aims to raise awareness on renewable energies, sustainable development, energy security, innovative curriculum development, organizing an intensive summer school, research, and establishing links with industry – are the components of which the project will focus.
Activities include:
- 2 Development of a new training course: “EU Energy Security Policies,” “Renewable Energy Policies in EU and Georgia.”
- Organization of summer school: “EU for Energy Security and Renewable Energy.”
- Research: “Renewable energy sources utilization in Georgia and its compliance with EU agenda.”
- EU4ENERGY week
- The renewable energy laboratory and the research carried out on its base, sharing and introducing the knowledge of European countries, joint projects with the German embassy in Georgia for the introduction of green technologies, active research and work in terms of harmonization of the law, various projects to stimulate the generation and sale of renewable energy – this is GreenTech, another direction within the framework of Initiative 5.0 of the Business and Technology University, under which important projects and activities are implemented.
- A panel discussion on green technologies was held at BTU.
Conducted Researches:
- Maia Melikidze, Avtandil Janjghava – Electric Cars, Challenges and Benefits. J Biosens & Renew
- Melikidze M., Nadiradze O. – Impact of Covid 19 on the energy Sector in Georgia
- Tvauri, N. Gendzekhadze, M. Melikidze – Solar Energy efficiency and renewable source as Georgia’s energy independence.
- Dvali, E. Soselia, M. Melikidze – Analysis of The UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 – Affordable & Clean Energy.
- Melikidze M. – Analysis of The UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 – Affordable & Clean Energy. Journal “Energy”.
- Melikidze M. – Renewable (solar energy), Modern situation, economic challenges and the role of artificial intelligence.
- Melikidze M, Siradze A, Bartia N – Determination of Solar Energy Impact on the Energy Sector Based on Correlation-Regression Analysis.
- Melikidze M. – “State Strategy and Subsidy for Renewable Energy.”
- Melikidze M. – Development perspectives of Solar micro power generators and net metering regulation expectations in Georgia.
- Melikidze M. – „Regulatory Framework for Service Quality in Georgia.“
- Melikidze M. – Renewable energy – major aspects of the new regulatory framework of the energy sector in Georgia.
- Melikidze M. – Energy Market Liberalization, Electricity Shortage, Subsequent Challenges and Renewable (Solar) Energy’s Role.
- Melikidze M., Chomakhidze D., Tskhakaia K. – Structure of energy balance in Georgia and tendencies of changes.
- Melikidze M., Chomakhidze D. – Methodological and Conceptual Basis for Energy Development in Georgia.
- Melikidze M., Chomakhidze D. – Renewable Energy Potential and Its Utilization in Georgia.
Dissertation Papers: