The cyber hackathon was part of Jean Monnet’s EU-funded project Supporting Cybersecurity Education in the EU (PEU-C-E). organized by BTU The meeting was held by an expert Andro Gotsiridze. The event was attended by 11 students of the school in …
Within the framework of International Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Jean Monnet PEU-C-E (“Promoting European Union’s Cyber Education”) project, funded by European Commission, on October 22nd, 2021 BTU organized the on-site event/workshop for Schoolchildren at its premises. Topic: “EU’s Cyber Education” …
On October 26, Pavle Mgeladze will hold a meeting about NFT: How did NFT appear and what is it used for? What is its future development? These issues will be discussed in the format of a session planned within the …
Business and Technology University is launching an accredited undergraduate program in digital marketing from the new academic year. Admission will be announced from the 2022-2023 academic year. Rector of the Business and Technology University, Nino Enukidze notes that work on …
Professional meetings, training programs, open lectures, trainings, library for entrants, Entrepreneurship Center for entrants, laboratories, open days – this is a non-exhaustive list of activities and projects that the University of Business and Technology will implement for all entrants living …
Organized by the Career Development Center, the thematic interview for management student will take place on October 26 at 19:00. A series of interviews provides a unique opportunity to conduct real-time interviews with representatives of leading companies and receive the …
BTU Tech Clinic covers must important topics in the field of innovation: Digital product design, UX/UI Design, Technology Project Management using Agile and Scrum methodologies, latest trends in digital marketings. The Speakers of Clinic are leading professionals who have successfully …
Within the framework of International Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Jean Monnet PEU-C-E (“Promoting European Union’s Cyber Education”) project, funded by European Commission, on October 18th , 2021 BTU organized the on-site event/workshop for university students at its premises. Topic: “Cybersecurity …
საქართველოს ყველა რეგიონში მცხოვრები აბიტურიენტებისთვის და სამაგისტრო პროგრამებზე ჩაბარების მსურველთათვის, ბიზნესისა და ტექნოლოგიების უნივერსიტეტი მასშტაბურ, ერთწლიან პროექტს აანონსებს. ერთიანი ეროვნული და საერთო სამაგისტრო გამოცდებისთვის მოსამზადებელი, სრულად დაფინანსებული მოდულები, გადამზადების პროგრამა ინგლისურ ენაში, მსხვილი ადგილობრივი და საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების ჩართულობით გამართული პროფესიული ორიენტაციის …
Startup Talks – Winner of the “500 Startups” competition, one of the best business accelerators in the world – Payze Speaker: Gega Tsurtsumia, co-founder of Payze. Time and date: October 27, 18:00. Pre-registration is required to participate in the meeting: …