VMware Virtual SAN Training Course for Experienced IT Specialists
MUK Training Center and BTU announce certificate course in strongest virtualization system VMWARE.
VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage [V6.2]
Course co-organizer is MUK Training Center
Course Date: April 10-12, 2017
Course Duration: 3 days
Time: 10:00-18:00
Place: Silicon Valley Tbilisi, 82 Chavchavadze Ave.
Course is conducted by Certified VMWare instructor Subcontractor VCI at VMWare, Dimitri Kharitonovi
Course detailed description: https://goo.gl/oJ4IIv
Course Fee: $1,100
After completion of the course VMware official certificate will be awarded, additionally, certificates of Business and Technology University, MUK training center and IT academy will be awarded to participates.
For additional information, please contact: +995 597 27 00 22