Development of Digital Skills and Online Employment Platform Along with Government
The project “Development of Digital Skills and Online Employment Platform for Everyone” was held in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and Tech Park. The project is aiming to create new jobs and implement new employment approaches in the country.
With the initiative of Ministry of Economy and Sustainable development of Georgia, Business and Technology University and Majoritarian of Kaspi, Irakli Mezurnishvili, Digital training centers will be opened in different regions of Georgia. Applicant will be chosen from time to time in regional centers and will be trained in webinar and seminar format.
The project aims to give citizens access to the knowledge that will give them opportunity to find remote jobs in information technologies. Within the project, remote employment platform – “Digital Citizen” – was created in Business and Technology University. The platform gives opportunity to everyone to find the job that is relevant to their knowledge, submit application online and get the job. Pilot version of the project was held in the region of Kaspi with the support of Kaspi Municipality and Majoritarian of Kaspi region Irakli Mezurnishvli. The first stage was implemented successfully and the development of the second stage has already started. Beneficiaries will be trained through webinars and seminars held in regional centers.
This is a unique project that will be implemented in partnership with the private sector, executive and legislative authorities. Business and Technology University is partner of the one of the biggest platform freelancer.com, that will allow beneficiaries to have access to more than 15 million job vacancies throughout the world. Considering the las year data, turnover of the jobs performed remotely exceeded 2.6 billion USD. From the second half of the year 2017, with the support of World Bank, within the project “Georgian National Innovation’s Ecosystem”, till the year 2020, Georgia’s Innovations and Technology Agency will create 8 regional innovation’s hubs and 50 innovation’s centers.