Industry 4.0 Laboratory
- Categories Labs
- Date September 3, 2021
The concept of the Industry 4.0 laboratory was developed by the University of Business and Technology within the framework of one of the largest Erasmus+ institutional development projects funded by the European Union – HEIn4.
Microsoft solutions for business analytics, Power BI, Dynamics 365, Azure, Google tools, Cloud and Analytics, Virtual reality and 3D product visualization, Unity, Unreal engine, Blender, various Adobe products, podcast series on technology trends and Other projects are carried out in partnership with EU member states and organized by BTU.
The laboratory was officially opened on March 25, 2021.
Based on open, transparent and documented tenders, the laboratory is equipped with:
- 12 powerful computers, monitors and projectors;
- Special Dell server;
- 2 types of specialized software: Power BI & Photoshop;
Industry 4.0 Laboratory activities;
- Intensive short courses for industry partners and students;
- Webinars;
- Consultation meetings.
Intensive short courses for industry partners and students:
- Mastering the Google Suite: Empowering Productivity and Collaboration
- EmpowHER: Mastering Cybersecurity for Women
- Internet Governance and Cyber Diplomacy
- Data Visualization in MS Excel
- Data Visualization in Power BI
Description of Short Courses of Industry
For enrollment, timeline and detailed information please contact us at: [email protected]
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