Kid’s Second Start-Up Session
Unprecedented project in Georgia: 10-15 years olds will conduct start-up session and present their innovative business ideas.
6 groups participate in the session with the following start-ups:
- “Merti” – Online calculator for real estate valuation;
- “CarCare” – SOS signal for automobiles;
- “Micro Office” – Smart booth in streets;
- “Foodbot” – Calculator app for calories;
- “School Book” – Online portal for school books;
- “Serviceland” – Portal for service provider freelancers.
The second start-up session is conclusive for the first flow of BTUKIDS school students. They will be awarded with the certificates and other awards. Representative of Tech-Park who has special offer for beginner innovator businessmen, will attend the event.
The event is free of charge.
Event Date & Time: May 6, 13:00
The second flow of BTUKIDS school will start from the fall of 2017. Detailed information will be posted on the website.