International Summer School of the University of Coruna (Spain)
Coruna University (Spain) International Summer School for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Business and Technology!
One of the most successful universities in the Galician region of Spain invites undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Business and Technology to attend a summer school from July 19 to August 1, 2020.
The training courses offered by the Spanish side are:
5G for Connected and Automated Mobility: Smart Roads and Vehicles
Artificial Intelligence in Business Management
Basics of Experimental Statistics with Python
Content Management Using WordPress and Google Analytics
Corporate Finance
Deep Learning
Financial Shocks, Financial Stability, and Irrationality in Decision Making
International Marketing
Leadership & Professional Development
Logistic and Circular Economy Towards Social Innovation Initiatives
Management of a Corporate Image
Deadline for applications: April 30, 2020.
Detailed information about the school can be found at the link.
Registration for the summer school is possible through the following link.
Summer school costs are not funded by the Spanish side, however, for successful students with high academic achievement it is possible to apply for a scholarship via the following link. The deadline for applying for the scholarship is January 19, 2020.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Foreign Relations Service of the University of Business and Technology: [email protected]