ერაზმუს+ საერთაშორისო კრედიტ-მობილობის სტაჟირების პროგრამა ბიზნესისა და ტექნოლოგიების უნივერსიტეტის ბაკალავრიატის საფეხურის მეორე და მესამე კურსის სტუდენტებისთვის!
Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Internship Program for Second and Third Year Undergraduate Students at the University of Business and Technology!
Place of internship:
Any company, institution, institution – institution located in Kiel, Germany – the program will be implemented using Kiel with the support and funding of the University of Science.
Direction: Information Technologies
Mandatory Prerequisite: Fluency in German at least B2 level
Mobility / Internship Period: Spring Semester of 2019/2020 Academic Year and / or Autumn Semester of 2020/2021 Academic Year
Duration of internship: 2 months
The scholarship includes: Reimbursement of bilateral international travel expenses, monthly scholarship: 850 Euros (to cover food and accommodation expenses)
Application documentation:
ü European format of CV (in English)
ü Student status certificate (in English)
ü Sign sheet (in English)
ü Letter of motivation (in German)
ü Letter of recommendation (in English)
ü German language proficiency document/certificate (taken during the last 2 years)
ü Copy of passport
ü Work plan outline (Appendix 1)
Application process:
Interested students should send the full list of application documentation to the following e-mail address: [email protected] no later than 14:00 on November 7.
– In the subject of the e-mail, indicate in Georgian: name and surname, level of study (bachelor);
– Indicate in the text of the e-mail: name and surname (in Latin, as you have in the passport), level of study (Bachelor), the average grade of academic achievement (as you have in the mark sheet);
– Send the following application documentation in PDF format as an attachment to the e-mail; Name each one in English (eg Name & Surname_Motivation)
Candidate selection process:
– Collecting documents and sending them to [email protected] by the student;
– Eligibility check by the Foreign Relations Service;
– Interview with the Candidates Selection Commission;
– Final selection of scholarship holders from the candidates and awarding the relevant scholarship by the German University.
Important details:
– The host institution, company, organization for the internship program is found by the student himself – After finding the host company, consult the Foreign Relations Service before sending the documents;
– Information meeting regarding scholarships will be held on September 26 at 15:00 in BTU space.
Additional information:
– In case of additional questions, write to us at [email protected].