UNESCO and BTU for stronger information capacities in Georgia
UNESCO and BTU for stronger information capacities in Georgia: Promoting Information Literacy in Digital Environment among Women
Business and Technology University (BTU) has been selected as the only higher education institution in Georgia to implement the UNESCO supported project under the Information for All Program (IFAP – scope: providing quality education and training in Georgia). The project is currently in progress and engages 60 participants to increase their information and digital literacy skills, to build the community of like-minded individuals and encourage meaningful use of technologies among the selected participants. BTU has recently completed its first phase of project implementation – delivering Tech English course to Georgian and Ukrainian participants.
Tech English course was delivered online, three times a week and was designed for 60 participants with different background, education or work experience. Despite the diverse background of engaged participants, the course provided interactive platform for active exchange of knowledge among participants, discussions on various digital tools, presentations on trendy online platforms for education, information literacy etc. The Tech English Couse implementation was positively evaluated by participants as well as university administration.
Promoting Information Literacy in Digital Environment among Women in Georgia Project launches its second phase – Digital and information literacy courses – in June 2023.
Marika Khasia, project participant (Head of Division for Investment Projects and Relations with Donors
Zugdidi Municipality City Hall)
,,From my point of view , in a rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital and information literacy and related skills have become indispensable in contemporary society, particularly within the context of an increasingly digitized world. It serves as foundations for lifelong learning. They play a crucial role in personal, educational, professional and societal development in the current digital age.
While digital and information literacy gained recognition and importance, there is still a need for additional efforts to further spread knowledge and promote these literacies in my community. Conducting awareness campaigns can help highlight the importance of digital and information literacy. These campaigns should promote the adoption of best practices for responsible digital engagement. Ensuring equitable access to digital resources is crucial for spreading digital and information literacy”.
,,English serves as a global language of communication in digital spaces. Proficiency in the English language enables us to engage in effective communication and collaboration with individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds, thereby fostering inclusive and cross-cultural exchange within digital environments. English language skills are crucial for academic and professional development in the digital age. English language proficiency remains advantageous in terms of accessing a broader range of digital resources, connecting with a wider audience and engaging with global digital communities”
Valentina Fedosiuk (participant from Ukraine): According to my opinion it’s really important to have strong information literacy
skills because the world is changing and I remember even by 2000s when my aunt opened a local newspaper with job vacancies in Melitopol city, Ukraine, almost each vacancy stated that you must have a strong knowledge of English and computer. Since than nothing has changed.
I have got a computer very late comparing to my classmates and groupmates at the institute – it was after my 20s. And I’m absolutely sure – if I had a computer before, then I would have more opportunities in my studies – at least at school, even at the university. Now I spend all my time at the computer and try to catch up.
English plays an important role in increasing digital and information literacy skills because all errors on the computer have English origin – I mean if you try to search what happened the code of the error can be with explanation in English. And most of the software is produced in English – you can find their tutorials only in that language
Salome Kardava (entrepreneur, trainer, Participant form Zugdidi)
I am an entrepreneur and I also work for the non-governmental organization in Samegrelo. Tech English course has prepared me to be a better entrepreneur and think about the ways of attracting more interested customers online.
Its important to enable as many people as possible to improve their tech English skills . especially those who live in remote areas, particularly women. More projects and initiatives would support more informed and stronger societies interested and equipped by digital and information literacy.