24/7 – Electronic Market Research – Innovative Research Method in Georgia
Experts, working at Business and Technology University, developed completely new research model. This model is customized for meeting interests of large and small businesses and implies electronic market research that gives business sector opportunity to gain comprehensive and qualitative market analysis in 7 days in 24-hour mode in a fast, effective, qualitative and low-cost way.
“24/7” aims to give businesses opportunity to monitor markets they are interested in. Electronic Research innovative method, developed by Business and Technology University, gives opportunity to conduct research in online mode for specific time period using electronic and social channels.
Hewlett Packard has expressed interest towards this start-up of “Silicon Valley”. Pursuing the decision of Hewlett Packard representative, this project will expand and the joint research laboratory will be arranged in “Silicon Valley Tbilisi” territory.
Interested companies or private persons can already use the service of the first innovative product of “Silicon Valley Tbilisi”
Another advantage of Electronic Research method developed by “Silicon Valley Tbilisi” is opportunity to study foreign markets. Businesses that operate abroad and export product/service from Georgia, will have unique opportunity to study the market of specific country and get complete and qualitative information via Electronic Research with less cost.
Moreover, advantage of Electronic Research method “24/7” developed by “Silicon Valley Tbilisi” is mobile application. With this application, customer will have opportunity to monitor the research process during 7 days in 24-hour mode by mobile phone.
Presentation of Electronic Market Research product was held today. Invited guests and companies attended the presentation.