BTU2CA – Masterclasses on Sharing Experience in Women’s Empowerment Programs in Technology
To share experiences in the field of women’s empowerment programs in technology, Business and Technology University (BTU) will conduct a series of masterclasses for representatives from universities in Central Asia. The virtual discussion will focus on BTU’s large-scale projects aimed at enhancing women’s professional skills in technology, including the selection of target audiences, designing specialized programs, mobilizing highly qualified experts, communicating with stakeholders, and success stories.
The event will be attended by representatives from universities in Central Asian countries, who are planning to initiate and implement similar programs within their institutions. Together with BTU representatives, they will discuss initiatives for empowering women in the fields of technology and artificial intelligence, practical advice, and opportunities for implementing these initiatives at their respective universities.
The BTU2CA masterclass series is part of the international initiative Sustainable Lifestyles University Network (SLUN).
The event will take place on November 12th at 11:00 AM Tbilisi time. The working language of the meeting will be English.
To attend the online event, please complete the registration form.