Erasmus+ International Credit-Mobility programs at Business and Technology University
In early 2019 Business and Technology University has submitted 8 proposals with German, Portuguese, Irish and Polish universities to receive the funding from European Commission within the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit-Mobility program.
On the basis of the information collected from partner EU universities and National Erasmus+ Office Georgia, 3 projects out of 8 have been already approved by German and Irish National Erasmus+ Agencies. The projects have been funded with Kiel University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Institute of Technology Carlow (Ireland). The results of the other 5 projects will be announced later this summer.
The fully funded exchange programs for students and staff within Erasmus+ KA107 projects will be introduced at BTU from Fall Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020.