Shalva Svanishvili
Doctor of Informatics, Shalva Svanishvili is an Assistant Professor at Business and Technology University. In addition to academic activities, he has practical work experience in the field of information security and cyber security. Has passed training courses and conducts the trainings in the following areas: basics of computer organization and architecture, basics of operating systems, introduction to computer networks, introduction to information security, administration of computer networks. Has prepared lecture materials and participated in projects at various times. Has participated in Professional development of a curriculum for the modular education program within the framework of the Qualification Development Program and the development of the System Administrator training program, as well as the development of professional standards within the framework of the Professional Development Program – the system administrator standard.
He is author and co-author of scientific papers and textbooks.
Shalva Svanishvili teaches the following lecture courses at Business and Technology University Information Security and Cyber Security.
Speaks Georgian (native), English, Russian and French languages.