The registration of lecturers/mentors for the first stream within the project “Women Mentorship in Tech Programs” is starting!
“The registration of lecturers/mentors for the first stream within the project ‘Women Mentorship in Tech Programs’ has started!
The project is implemented with the support and financing of the European Union and the involvement of the leading Lithuanian organization for women’s empowerment – Women Go Tech.
Within the framework of the initiative, the aim is to strengthen and develop women in the technological sector throughout Georgia. The project involves developing new courses tailored to industry needs, implementing intensive 5-month study/teaching, and mentorship programs, and partnering with interested public and private entities to create more employment opportunities in the fast-growing technology field and eliminate gender inequality.
Within the project, lecturers and/or mentors will assist beneficiaries in sharing information, advice, and experience. Additionally, mentors will help beneficiaries realize their potential and overcome difficulties.
Mentoring Programs:
Within the framework of the project, mentoring programs are held in one of the technical areas selected during registration:
- Front-end development
- Cybersecurity
- Graphic Design
- UI/UX design
- Digital marketing
Important Dates:
Start of registration for the first stream of lecturers/mentors: April 22, 2024
Registration ends: June 7, 4PM
Program/Training Schedule:
First stream: July-November, 2024
Registration for persons interested in lecturing/mentoring is taking place at the following link.
Age Group and Experience of Lecturers/Mentors:
The target group of the mentoring program is individuals aged 18+ with at least three years of professional and/or teaching experience in the technical areas offered within the project.
Selection Process and Stages:
- Selection of resumes
- Interview
Lecturers/Mentors of the project are obliged to sign the special agreement provided by the organizing group of the ‘Women Mentorship in Tech Programs’ project, which regulates the terms of cooperation of the project and the lecturers/mentors of the project, rights and obligations, and the measures/types of responsibility in case of non-fulfillment of these obligations.
Lecturer’s schedule
Front-end development – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Cyber security – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Graphic design – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
UI/UX design – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Digital marketing – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Meetings on non-working days (Saturday and Sunday) can also be scheduled during daytime hours.
Mentor schedule
Front-end development – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Cyber security – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Graphic design – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
UI/UX design – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Digital marketing – 1 meeting per week (2 hours); Approximate meeting schedule: 19:00-21:00;
Meetings on non-working days (Saturday and Sunday) can be scheduled during daylight hours.
Mentoring Format:
- Learning/teaching and mentoring – online format
- Additional activities – closing event, networking sessions – physical format
Information to Consider During Registration:
In order to fully participate in the teaching process, it is necessary for the project mentor to have a Gmail account (email). Accordingly, registration will be possible through Gmail email.”