EU for Energy Security and Sustainable Development Policies
Donor Organization: European Commission
Project Implementation Timeline: 2022-2025 years
Funding Scheme: Jean Monnet Actions – Jean Monnet Module
Acronym: EU-Energy-SSDP
Project Status: Ongoing
“EU for Energy Security and Sustainable Development Policies” is a Jean Monnet Module initiated and developed by Business and Technology University which is the only university hosting the Renewable Energy Sources Laboratory while also closely aligning with European Union’s values. The aim of the project is to share European experience in renewable energy, energy security and sustainable development among students, teachers, parents, professors and decision makers with a goal to create a sustainable future for everyone.
Project Activities
- 2 new Syllabi for Undergraduate and Master Students:
- Undergraduate: „EU Energy Security Policies” (6 ECTS)
- Master: „Renewable Energy Policies in EU and Georgia” (6 ECTS)
- Development of Course Materials
- Organizing the Summer School: „EU for Energy Security and Renewable Energy”
- Research Paper: “Renewable energy sources utilization in Georgia and its compliance with EU agenda”