The first 3-E Partnership Project Webinar Conducted
on May 16, the 3-E Partnership Project hosted an energy efficiency webinar titled: Energy Efficiency in the Eastern Partnership: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine in Focus.
The meeting was attended by about 70 participants from different institutions of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine. Students, researchers, practitioners and policy implementers were able to get a brief context overview of energy efficiency ecosystem in the above-mentioned Eastern Partnership countries. Georgia’s Policies, Legislative Framework, Practices and national Targets were presented by Dr. Margalita Arabidze. Different projects and initiatives covering energy efficiency topics in Georgia were communicated by Dr. Giorgi Abulashvili. Current complexities and challenges in energy sector were highlighted by Prof. Dmytro Bosyi of Dnipro Institute of Infrastructure and Transport. As highlighted by Prof. Bosyi, due to well known hardship and constant attack on Ukraine’s energy sector, not only the country’s energy system must be recovered, but it should also be REORGANIZED. Ukrainian energy system is part of the European system and its further integration is in progress.
The webinar discussion moved to the context of Azerbaijan, which was presented by the 3-E Partnership Project team from ADA university and Khazar University. Dr. Inara Yagubova, A senior Research Fellow, provided highlights on important developments in Azerbaijan in terms of energy sector development, Energy supply and demand, National Targets and Action Plans. In addition, Assoc. Prof. Jeyhun Mammadov, Dean, School of Economics and Management, Khazar University illustrated the energy efficiency education programs in Azerbaijan, including university degree programs and training/ capacity building opportunities (completed and ongoing, in particular in Khazar University, but also nation wide).
The next online knowledge sharing activity as part of the 3-E Partnership Project is due to June 10, 09:00 CET.
This second webinar will be dedicated to: Decarbonization scenarios in Europe: Methods and Tools for the Energy transition, delivered by Prof. Maurizio Delfanti (Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano).